Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hurtling, panting, gasping, barking, sniffing, yelping, bounding, jumping, licking, scratching, biting, bouncing...

No, these words do not describe an average night out, car-bar'ing!

Franklin and Tori had the pleasure of making Kiria's acquaintance at Cecelia Forest on Saturday. Tori, (who when she hears she is seeing, or is in the company of Tany(ass), always vomits), managed an Allie-sized pile on the carpet in the passage about 10 mins before we left. Great start to a Saturday morning...thanks Tori, *high five*.

Contrary to popular belief, Kiria is NOT as obedient as she was made out to be, and bolted like a Dom at a daiquiri. This, of course, made Frank and Tor rather proud, as they are NOT trained to high standards, but ARE very obedient (naturally).

The walk itself was awesome, of course, and the mist that settled around us made it feel rain-forest-like.

Kiria managed to carry what must have been a 75kg tree trunk pretty much the entire way. The dog has stamina. I'll give her that. Frank and Tor, on the other hand, not wanting to been seen as disrespectful to the alpha female (not you Tany(ass)), decided against carrying anything in their mouths, except their droopy, dribbly tongues.

Needless to say, the hurtle home in TheGreenMachine was a misty experience.

A good morning all around. Thanks to all involved.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If you pass out drunk in the bathroom and no one is around to see it happen, did it really happen?

Not really a great start is it?

Well, considering I only have ONE follower to this blog, and this blog reputes itself to being "The most important blog of all", and, also considering that I may have pinky-swore to keep this blogging effort up, here goes nothing....


Song of the day: "Freedom" George Michael (Following the theme of my only follower).

And other important breaking news, I have finally set a date for my resignation...

1 July 2009 (at the latest) (Again, following the trend set by my only follower)

I see a theme....!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is blog #2. And the only reason I'm doing this is because someone else thinks I won't. No names mentioned *cough*cough* Tany(ass).

And, sticking with the theme of TWO, there are two issues that need addressing.

1. Why
2. What

The first question refers to alcohol. The second question refers to last night. Why do I drink the quantities that I do. And wtf actually happened last night.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am going to do this. I think I probably will (read: for about a week)

What a lovely day to be confined to the office.

I am going to drink later.

The End.