Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Morality vs Feelings and Emotions.

This concept has been plaguing me. And not in a good way. I believe in black and white. Wrong or right. There should be no grey. Right? RIGHT?

And it's like things around me are speaking to me. This song for instance...keeps coming up in random play on i-pod...

And I literally STUMBLED upon this article on Arts and Letters Daily

I still do not have the answer. For something that is wrong, but feels right. That goes against everything I stand for.


T-Lo said...

Don't change your mind and stay strong!

Talkin' philosophy [harks back to first year undergrad days...really really harking back] ... at least you aren't leaning towards either Machiavelli's or Hobbes' view on mankind: all self indulgent, war-mongering fearful beasts requiring external control. Cuz then you would be able to change your mind without compromising your intrinsic self. And that would really suck. [heart you!]

T-Lo said...

[responding to your IM query]

Dom(ass): FkU! I try be all spiritual and supportive and you question my definition of intrinsic?! PAH! Pffffft. [stomps foot]

Well,here you go, from www.dictionary.com:

1. Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; not merely apparent or accidental; -- opposed to extrinsic; as, the intrinsic value of gold or silver; the intrinsic merit of an action; the intrinsic worth or goodness of a person.

Still gots a question? ;)

DomBom said...

[Responding to your rant]

I didn't question YOUR definition of intrinsic. I questioned who MY intrinsic being is.

Hence the dilemma. What is what I think I believe in isn't really what I believe in?

Still gots an answer??!! ;)

T-Lo said...

"What is what I think I believe in isn't really what I believe in?"

[scratches head]

DomBom said...

Replace 'is' with 'if'